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Essas áreas de level elevado são as melhores tanto para ganho de experiência quanto para encontrar itens, mas cuidado, a dificuldade aumenta igualmente.

Todos os itens tem seu level mínimo para drop, por isso áreas de level maior são boas para encontrar os itens finais do jogo.

O nível da área aparece nas informações do jogo no canto superior direito, sempre que o mapa está aparecendo (Tab).

Outra dica muito importante: O ganho máximo de experiência acontece quando o level da área é no máximo 5 níveis de diferença do seu personagem, seja para cima ou para baixo, por exemplo, quando você está level 80 o ideal é upar em uma área de nível entre 75 e 85 para o aproveitamento total da experiência dos monstros.

Frenzy Lands: Áreas com level, densidade de monstros e Goblins do Tesouro aumentados temporariamente.

Ato Nome Normal Nightmare Hell Frenzy
1 Blood Moor 1 36 67 0
1 Cold Plains 2 36 68 0
1 Stony Field 4 37 68 0
1 Dark Wood 5 38 68 0
1 Black Marsh 6 38 69 0
1 Tamoe Highland 8 39 69 0
1 Den of Evil 1 36 79 0
1 Cave Level 1 2 36 77 0
1 Underground Passage Level 1 4 37 69 0
1 Hole Level 1 5 38 80 0
1 Pit Level 1 17 40 85 0
1 Cave Level 2 2 37 78 0
1 Underground Passage Level 2 4 38 83 0
1 Hole Level 2 5 39 81 0
1 Pit Basal 20 50 87 0
1 Burial Grounds 3 36 80 0
1 Crypt 10 44 85 0
1 Mausoleum 10 44 85 0
1 Tower Cellar Level 1 7 38 75 0
1 Tower Cellar Level 2 7 39 76 0
1 Tower Cellar Level 3 7 40 77 0
1 Tower Cellar Level 4 7 41 78 0
1 Tower Cellar Level 5 7 42 79 0
1 Monastery Gate 8 40 70 0
1 Outer Cloister 9 40 70 0
1 Barracks 9 40 70 0
1 Jail Level 1 10 41 71 0
1 Jail Level 2 10 41 71 0
1 Jail Level 3 10 41 71 0
1 Inner Cloister 10 41 72 0
1 Cathedral 11 42 72 0
1 Catacombs 1 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 13 46 87 1
1 Catacombs 2 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 13 46 87 1
1 Catacombs 3 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 14 47 87 1
1 Catacombs 4 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 14 47 87 1
1 Tristram 8 44 85 0
1 Cow Level 26 60 84 0
2 Rocky Waste 14 43 75 0
2 Dry Hills 15 44 76 0
2 Far Oasis 16 45 76 0
2 Lost City 17 46 77 0
2 Valley of Snakes 18 46 77 0
2 Canyon of the Magi Frenzied Frenzy Lands 20 54 87 1
2 Sewers Level 1 13 43 74 0
2 Sewers Level 2 13 43 74 0
2 Sewers Level 3 14 44 75 0
2 Harem Level 2 13 47 78 0
2 Palace Cellar Level 1 13 47 78 0
2 Palace Cellar Level 2 13 47 78 0
2 Palace Cellar Level 3 13 48 78 0
2 Stony Tomb Level 1 22 49 85 0
2 Halls of the Dead Level 1 12 44 79 0
2 Halls of the Dead Level 2 13 45 81 0
2 Claw Viper Temple Level 1 14 47 82 0
2 Stony Tomb Level 2 22 49 85 0
2 Halls of the Dead Level 3 13 45 82 0
2 Claw Viper Temple Level 2 14 47 83 0
2 Maggot Lair Level 1 17 45 84 0
2 Maggot Lair Level 2 17 45 84 0
2 Maggot Lair Level 3 17 47 85 0
2 Ancient Tunnels 22 49 85 0
2 Tal Rasha's Tomb Frenzied Frenzy Lands 19 53 87 1
2 Tal Rasha's Tomb Frenzied Frenzy Lands 24 59 87 1
2 Tal Rasha's Tomb Frenzied Frenzy Lands 19 53 87 1
2 Tal Rasha's Tomb Frenzied Frenzy Lands 19 53 87 1
2 Tal Rasha's Tomb Frenzied Frenzy Lands 19 53 87 1
2 Tal Rasha's Tomb Frenzied Frenzy Lands 19 53 87 1
2 Tal Rasha's Tomb Frenzied Frenzy Lands 19 53 87 1
2 Tal Rasha's Chamber 17 49 80 0
2 Arcane Sanctuary Frenzied Frenzy Lands 16 52 87 1
3 Spider Forest 21 49 79 0
3 Great Marsh 21 50 80 0
3 Flayer Jungle 22 50 80 0
3 Lower Kurast 22 52 80 0
3 Kurast Bazaar 22 52 81 0
3 Upper Kurast 23 52 81 0
3 Kurast Causeway 24 53 81 0
3 Travincal Frenzied Frenzy Lands 29 63 87 1
3 Arachnid Lair 23 53 85 0
3 Spider Cavern 21 50 79 0
3 Swampy Pit Level 1 26 58 83 0
3 Swampy Pit Level 2 27 59 84 0
3 Flayer Dungeon Level 1 22 51 81 0
3 Flayer Dungeon Level 2 22 51 82 0
3 Swampy Pit Level 3 28 60 85 0
3 Flayer Dungeon Level 3 22 51 83 0
3 Sewers Level 1 23 52 84 0
3 Sewers Level 2 24 53 85 0
3 Ruined Temple Level 1 22 52 77 0
3 Disused Fane 28 60 85 0
3 Forgotten Reliquary 28 60 85 0
3 Forgotten Temple 28 60 85 0
3 Ruined Fane 28 60 85 0
3 Disused Reliquary 28 60 85 0
3 Durance of Hate 1 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 27 59 87 1
3 Durance of Hate 2 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 27 59 87 1
3 Durance of Hate 3 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 27 59 87 1
4 Outer Steppes 26 56 82 0
4 Plains of Despair 26 56 83 0
4 City of the Damned 27 58 84 0
4 River of Flame Frenzied Frenzy Lands 30 64 87 1
4 The Chaos Sanctuary Frenzied Frenzy Lands 31 65 87 1
5 Bloody Foothills 24 58 80 0
5 Frigid Highlands 25 59 81 0
5 Arreat Plateau 26 60 81 0
5 Crystalline Passage 29 61 82 0
5 Frozen River 29 61 83 0
5 Glacial Trail 29 61 83 0
5 Drifter Cavern 29 61 85 0
5 Frozen Tundra 27 60 81 0
5 The Ancients' Way 32 64 84 0
5 Icy Cellar 28 60 85 0
5 Arreat Summit 43 69 87 0
5 Nihlathak's Temple 32 63 83 0
5 Halls of Anguish 33 63 83 0
5 Halls of Pain 34 64 84 0
5 Halls of Vaught 36 64 84 0
5 Abaddon 46 69 86 0
5 Pit of Acheron 46 69 86 0
5 Infernal Pit 46 69 86 0
5 Worldstone Keep 1 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 42 69 87 1
5 Worldstone Keep 2 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 43 70 87 1
5 Worldstone Keep 3 Frenzied Frenzy Lands 44 71 87 1
5 Throne of Destruction Frenzied Frenzy Lands 47 73 87 1
5 The Worldstone Chamber 43 66 85 0
5 Pandemonium Matron's Den - - 85 0
5 Pandemonium Forgotten Sands - - 85 0
5 Pandemonium Furnace of Pain - - 85 0
5 Pandemonium Tristram - - 110 0
1 The Satanic Rift - - 90 0
1 The Beginning of The End - - 90 0
1 The Lord of Lies - - 90 0
1 The Lord of Sin - - 90 0
1 The Lord of Ultimate Terror - - 90 0
1 The Lord of Death - - 90 0
1 The Lord of Lords - - 90 0
1 Pit Level 2 17 41 85 0
1 Pit Level 3 17 42 86 0
5 Henknoc Jungle - Nível 1 - - 90 0
5 Henknoc Jungle - Nível 2 - - 90 0
5 Henknoc Jungle - Nível 3 - - 90 0
5 Henknoc Jungle - Nível 4 - - 90 0
1 The Fiend Pit 20 50 88 0
4 Realm of Terror 28 60 85 0
4 Hell Bridge - - 88 0
3 Ruined Temple Level 2 23 53 78 0
3 Ruined Temple Level 3 24 54 79 0
3 Ruined Temple Level 4 25 55 80 0
4 Hell Bridge - - 88 0
2 Desolate Plains - - 88 0
5 Hills of Val Narian - - 88 0
5 Hills of Val Narian - - 88 0
4 Harrowing Path Frenzied Frenzy Lands - - 87 1
2 Desolate Plains - - 88 0
3 Corrupted Docks - - 88 0
3 Corrupted Docks - - 88 0
1 Lost Monastery 29 61 88 0
1 Lost Monastery 29 61 88 0
1 Goblin Encampment 29 61 87 0
2 Goblin Lut Gholein 29 61 87 0
3 Goblin Docks 29 61 87 0
4 Goblin Fortress 29 61 87 0
5 Goblin Harrogath 29 61 87 0
1 Terror Cow 36 70 89 0